
Mostrando entradas de 2020


Fiesta de fin de año

Social Sciences: Europe and the European Union

Votación postales navideñas

English: Vocabulary

Natural Science unit 6

Concurso tarjetas de navidad

Calendario de adviento

Who, which and when

Esquemas UD 6 Matemáticas

Esquemas UD 5 y UD 6 Lengua

Grammar unit 3: Links to study

Unit 5: Matter and materials

Spain is different ... y tanto!!

English: Comparative and superlative adjectives

Homework for tomorrow!

Natural Science: Matter, materials and forces

Relief of Spain: Modelling clay

Unidad 4 Lengua

UD 4 Matemáticas

Task for the weekend: Email

Natural sciences unit 5: Mind maps


Winning and losing: Unit 2 vocabulary

Natural Science. Puppet Science: Electricity


English : Past simple or past continuous mind map

Natural Science: Heat, light and energy

Exposición oral.