
Social Sciences project: Fun facts about Europe!

Hi guys!!

As promised in our lesson, in this post you will find all the instructions your need in order to start working on the country your teacher assigned you. Remember that this project is about FUN FACTS that we may do not know about that country. So... be creative!

You are all experts in Canva, therefore, you can use its web to create this project. Try searching templates for posters or infografías and once it is ready, download it and upload it to your corresponding google drive folder. Easy, peasy, lemon squeeze don't you think? If you don't want to use Canva, you can use any other tool you want :)



In this document, you will find the country you have been assigned :)


Don't forget...

Extension: 1 page

Deadline: Friday, 15th January


Hope you like it :)

See you!!



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