
Natural science project: Build a Rube Goldberg Machine

Rube Goldberg was an American Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer, and inventor. Goldberg began his career as an engineer, and later became a cartoonist who drew elaborate illustrations of contraptions made up of pulleys, cups, birds, balloons, and watering cans that were designed to solve a simple task such as opening a window or setting an alarm clock. Interestingly, Goldberg only drew the pictures, and never built any of his inventions. However, these pictures have since served as inspiration for makers and builders who want the challenge of making wild inventions to solve everyday problems. 

We would love you to build and record a video of your own machine.

First things first, you’ll want to watch some Rube Goldberg contraptions in action to get inspired.

See you tomorrow!!



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